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Art Pewter Silver Jewellery- Kilt Pins

See below for prices.


Prices are in New Zealand dollars and include GST.
55  Coll Kilt Pin           (2.6cm x 6.5cm)  $45.00
56  Lauder Axe              (1.6cm x 4.5cm)  $45.00
57 Thistle (2cm x 7.5cm) $75.00 (Dark or Light Amethyst/Cairngorm) 58 Crinan (1.5cm x 6.5cm) $45.00
62 Wallace (1.25cm x 10cm) $54.70 (also Antique finish)
63 Thistle (2cm x 7.5cm) $45.00
65 Culloden (2.5cm x 10cm) $54.70 (also Antique finish)
66 Wallace (2.8cm x 7.5cm) $45.00
67 Thistle (4.8cm x 10.5cm) $47.60
67 Antique Thistle (4.8cm x 10.5cm) $54.70
68 Interlace (4.8cm x 10.5cm) $47.60
68 Antique Interlace (4.8cm x 10.5cm) $54.70
69 Lion Rampant (4.5cm x 6cm) $47.60
69 Antique Lion Rampant (4.5cm x 6cm) $54.70
71 Harris (4cm x 10.2cm) $47.60
72 Claidhmhor (3.3cm x 8cm) $47.60
79 Thistle (1.7cm x 7cm) $53.00 - Dark Amethyst
91 Bannockburn (1.5cm x 11cm) $54.70
96 Claidhmhor (1.5cm x 10cm) $47.60
96 Antique Claidhmhor (1.5cm x 10cm) $54.70
97 Claidhmhor with Thistle (4cm x 9.5cm) $47.60
97 Antique Claidhmhor/Thistle (4 x 9.5) $54.70
98 Claidhmhor with Lion (4cm x 9.5cm) $47.60
98 Antique Claidhmhor/Lion (4cm x 9.5cm) $54.70
109 Argyll Interlace (1.6cm x 9cm) $54.70 (also Antique finish)
111 Bagpipe (4cm x 10cm) $63.00
115 Argyll Interlace (1.5cm x 9cm) $53.00 (Cairngorm/Amethyst/Red/Blue/Green/Black)
147 Thistle (3cm x 10.5cm) $63.00
213 Bruce (4cm x 10cm) $54.70 (also Antique finish)
227 Piper (3.5cm x 10cm) $53.00

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All prices are in New Zealand dollars and exclude postage and packaging. NZ GST of 15% will be deducted for overseas customers.
A currency converter is available here.

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