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Shetland Jewellery - Celtic Band Rings

Designs taken from a hoard of Celtic silver found in St Ninian's Isle, Shetland and from traditional sources.See below for prices.


Prices are in New Zealand dollars and include GST.
                                  SILVER              9ct GOLD            
                                A-Q     R-Z         A-Q      R-Z         
R7          Three Nornes        142.00  154.00      536.00  683.00      
R9          Viking Ship - Lg    165.00  177.00      756.00  836.00      
R28         Celtic Cross        154.00  177.00      708.00  790.00      
R99         Viking Ship - Sm    142.00  154.00      552.00  647.00      
R12(121)    Celtic - 5mm        142.00  154.00      540.00  640.00      
R122        Celtic - 8mm        164.00  187.00      854.00  995.00      
R123        Celtic - 6mm        148.00  164.00      608.00  777.00      
R124        Wavey - 4mm         142.00  154.00      529.00  640.00      
R125        Panelled - 6.5mm    148.00  164.00      620.00  777.00      
R126        Celtic - 5mm        142.00  160.00      592.00  683.00      
R127/12     12pt Diamond        n/a     n/a        1131.00 1131.00    
R127/24     24pt Diamond        n/a     n/a        1893.00 1893.00     
R127/32     32pt Diamond        n/a     n/a        2983.00 2983.00     
R128/12     12pt Diamond        n/a     n/a        1131.00 1131.00     
R128/24     24pt Diamond        n/a     n/a        1893.00 1893.00     
R128/33     32pt Diamond        n/a     n/a        2983.00 2983.00     
R129        Celtic - 5mm        148.00  164.00      654.00  708.00      
R132        Thistle - 7mm       164.00  187.00      858.00  983.00      
R144/M      Moonstone           279.00  302.00      722.00  813.00      
R144/AM     Amethyst            255.00  267.00      710.00  802.00      
R144/G      Garnet              244.00  255.00      699.00  790.00      
R147/A      Amber               222.00  239.00      631.00  722.00      
R147/AM     Amethyst            232.00  248.00      677.00  767.00      
R147/G      Garnet              221.00  232.00      631.00  722.00      
R149        Celtic Wishbone     148.00  164.00      579.00  677.00      
R150        Claddagh            142.00  154.00      529.00  620.00      
R151        Claddagh            142.00  154.00      595.00  686.00      
R152/A      Claddagh-Amethyst   192.00  210.00      565.00  627.00      
R160        C.R. Mackintosh     154.00  165.00      663.00  768.00      
R161        C.R. Mackintosh     148.00  160.00      631.00  745.00      
R177        Swans               148.00  164.00      563.00  706.00      
R224        Wavey - 6mm         160.00  171.00      640.00  790.00      
R293        Celtic Animals      142.00  154.00      540.00  640.00 

Other stones are available - prices vary - please ask.

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All prices are in New Zealand dollars and exclude postage and packaging. NZ GST of 15% will be deducted for overseas customers.
A currency converter is available here.

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