
Supported Clans by Product

These pages contain clan lists for those products which are available in a range of clan names, crests or tartans.

On page 1 On page 2
  • Key to the Clans Keyrings
  • Key to the Clans Mugs, Glasses & Brooches
  • Clan mini books
  • Lang Syne Bookmarks, Keyrings, Postcards & Post-it Notes
  • Clan posters
  • Clan, family and Irish notepaper
  • Fridge magnets
  • Clan crest thimbles
  • Quaichs
  • Lapel badges & teaspoons - blue/white enamelled
  • Boxed compendiums and notebooks

On this page:

Clan Crest Badges by Art Pewter Silver Jewellery (at bottom of page)

  • Ties, bow ties, scarves, sashes, tammies, county caps

Ordinary colours

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Abercrombie Crawford Gunn Macdonald of Boisdale Mackenzie Dress Matheson Russell
Allison Cumming Hamilton Macdonald of Clanranald Mackillop Matheson Htg Ruthven
Anderson Cumming Htg Hamilton Htg Macdonald Dress Mackinnon Maxwell Scott
Armstrong Cunningham Hay Macdonald of Glencoe Mackinnon Htg Menzies Black/White Scott Black/White
Austin Dalziel Henderson Macdonnell of Glengarry Maclachlan Menzies Green Scott Brown
Baird Davidson Home Macdonald of the Isles (Green) Maclachlan Htg Middleton Scott Green
Barclay Dress Douglas Hunter Macdonald Lord of the Isles (Red) Maclaine of Lochbuie Mitchell Sir Walter Scott
Black Watch Douglas Gray Innes Macdonald of Kingsburgh Maclaren Moffat Seton
Black Watch Dress Drummond Jacobite Macdonald of Sleat Maclay Montgomery Seton Htg
Blair Drummond of Perth Johnston Macdonald of Staffa Maclean of Duart Morgan Shaw
Boyd Dunbar Keith Macdonell of Keppoch Maclean Htg Morrison Shaw Red
Brodie Duncan Kennedy Macdougall Maclennan (see Logan) Morrison Red Shaw Green
Brodie Htg Dundas Kerr Macduff Macleod of Lewis Munro Sinclair
Brown Earl of St Andrews Kilgour Macduff Dress Macleod of Harris Murray Sinclair Htg
Bruce Elliot Lamont Macduff Htg Macmillan Htg Murray of Tullibardine Skene
Buchan Erskine Lennox Macewen Macmillan Old Napier Smith
Buchanan Farquharson Leslie Marfarlane Macnab Nicolson Stewart of Appin
Buchanan Htg Ferguson Leslie Htg Macfarlane Black/White Macnaughton Nisbet Stewart of Appin Htg
Burns Check Fletcher Lindsay Macfarlane Htg Macneil of Barra Ogilvie Htg Stewart of Atholl
Cameron Fletcher of Dunans Livingstone Macgill Macneil of Colonsay Princess Margaret Rose Stewart Black
Cameron of Erracht Forbes Logan & Maclennan Macgillivray Macphail Prince of Wales Stuart of Bute
Cameron of Lochiel Forsyth Lumsden Macgregor Macpherson Ramsay Stewart Dress
Campbell Fraser Dress Macalister MacIan Macpherson Dress Rattray Stewart Htg
Campbell of Argyll Fraser Htg Macalpine Macinnes Macpherson Htg Rob Roy Macgregor Stewart Muted Blue
Campbell of Breadalbane Fraser of Lovat Macarthur Macintosh Macphie Robertson Stewart Old
Campbell of Cawdor Galbraith Macauley Macintosh Htg Macquarrie Robertson Htg Stewart, Prince Charles Edward
Campbell Dress Galloway Red Macbean Macintyre Macqueen Rose Stewart Royal
Campbell of Loudoun Galloway Htg Macbeth Macintyre & Glenorchy Macrae Rose Htg Sutherland Old
Chisholm Gordon Maccallum Macintyre Htg Macrae Dress Ross Thomson
Chisholm Htg Gordon Dress MacColl Maciver Macrae Htg Ross Htg Thomson Htg
Christie Gow Macdiarmid Mackay Mactavish Rothesay, Duke of Urquhart
Cockburn Graham of Menteith Macdonald Clan Mackeller Malcolm Rothesay, Duke of (Htg) Wallace
Colquhoun Graham of Montrose Macdonald of Ardmurchan Mackenzie Marshall Royal Canadian Airforce Wemyss
Cranston Grant  

Ancient colours

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Anderson Clark Gordon Dress Macauley Htg Mackay Blue Mactaggart Ross
Angus Clergy Gordon Old Macbeth Mackenzie Macthomas Ross Htg
Armstrong Clergy (Green) Gordon Red Maccallum Mackenzie Dress Malcolm Russell
Austin Cochrane Graham of Mentheith Macdonald Clan Mackinlay Marshall Scott
Baird Cockburn Graham of Montrose Macdonald of Clanranald Mackinnon Matheson Scott Black/White
Barclay Htg Colquhoun Grant Macdonald Dress Mackinnon Htg Matheson Htg Scott Brown
Black Watch Cooper Gunn Macdonnell of Glengarry Maclachlan Melville Scott Green
Borthwick Craig Hamilton Macdonald of the Isles (Green) Maclaine Htg Menzies Black/White Shaw
Borthwick Dress Crawford Hamilton Htg Macdonald Lord of the Isles Htg Maclaren Menzies Green Shepherd
Brodie Htg Culloden Hay Macdonald Lord of the Isles (Red) Maclean of Duart Mitchell Sinclair
Bruce Cumming Htg Henderson Macdonell of Keppoch Maclean Htg Montgomerie Sinclair Htg
Buchan Davidson Home Macdougall Maclennan (see Logan) Morrison Smith
Buchanan Davidson of Tulloch Hunter Macduff Macleod of Lewis Morrison Red Stewart of Appin
Buchanan (Old Sett) Douglas Inglis Macduff Dress Macleod of Harris Mowat Stewart of Appin Htg
Burnett Douglas Gray Innes Macduff Htg Macmillan Dress Munro Stewart Dress
Caledonia Drummond of Strathallan Irvine Macewen Macmillan Htg Murray Stewart Htg
Cameron Duncan Johnston Marfarlane Macmillan Old Napier Stewart Old
Cameron of Erracht Elliot Keith Macfarlane Black/White Macnab Nicolson Stewart Royal
Cameron of Lochiel Farquharson Kennedy Macfarlane Htg Macnaughton Nicolson Htg Sutherland Old
Campbell Ancient Ferguson Kerr Macgillivray Macneil of Barra Ogilvie of Airlie Urquhart
Campbell of Argyll Fletcher Lamont Macgregor Htg Macneil of Colonsay Ogilvie Htg Urquhart Broad Red
Campbell of Breadalbane Forbes Lauder Machardy Macphail Htg Oliphant Wallace
Campbell of Cawdor Forsyth Leslie Htg Macinnes Macpherson Ramsay Blue Wallace Htg
Campbell Dress Fraser Dress Lindsay Macintosh Macpherson Dress Rob Roy Macgregor Watson
Carmichael Fraser Htg Logan & Maclennan Macintosh Htg Macpherson Htg Robertson Weir
Carnegie Galbraith Macalpine Macintyre Macrae Htg Robertson Htg Wilson
Chisholm Gillies Macarthur Macintyre Htg Macsporran Rose Htg  
Chisholm Htg Gordon Macauley Mackay  

Weathered colours

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Black Watch Cumming Htg Grant Macdonald Clan Maclachlan Macrae Htg Stewart Htg
Buchanan (Old Sett) Farquharson Gunn Macintosh Htg Maclaren Murray Steward Old
Cameron of Erracht Ferguson Kennedy Mcintyre Htg Macleod of Harris Nicholson Htg Sutherland Old
Cameron Htg Fraser Dress Lindsay Mackay Macmillan Old Robertson Red Taylor
Campbell Gordon Lochaber Mackenzie Macpherson Scott Green Wallace
Campbell of Argyll Graham of Menteith  

Other tartans

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National tartan
Flower of Scotland
City tartans
Dundee Inverness Stirling & Bannockburn Musselburgh Moffat Edinburgh Roxburgh Glasgow
Canadian tartans
Nova Scotia Newfoundland Maple Leaf Cape Breton Prince Edward Island New Brunswick
Irish tartans
Saint Patrick Tara  

Clan crest ties

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Anderson Crawford Grant Macallum Macintyre Macpherson Shaw
Armstrong Davidson Gunn Macdonald Maclachlan Macrae Sinclair
Bruce Douglas Hamilton Macdougall Maclaren Matheson Stewart (Galloway)
Buchanan Farquharson Johnston Macfarlane Maclean Menzies Stuart (Bute)
Cameron Ferguson Kennedy Macgregor Macleod Morrison Sutherland
Campbell Forbes Kerr Mackay Macmillan Munro Nat Badge of Scotland
Carmichael Fraser of Lovat Lamont Mackenzie Macnab Robertson Lion Motif
Chisholm Gordon Leslie Mackinnon Macnaughton Ross Thistle Motif
Colquhoun Graham Lindsay Macintosh Macneil Scott Shamrock

Brushed wool tartan scarves & tammies

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Anderson Davidson Hamilton Macdonald Mackinlay Murray of Atholl Stewart Royal
Baird Douglas Henderson Macdonald Dress Maclachlan Ramsay Blue (Ancient) Sutherland Old (Weathered)
Black Watch Earl of St Andrews Johnston Macduff Dress Maclaren Robertson Thomson Blue
Buchanan Ferguson Kennedy (Weathered) Macfarlane Maclean of Duart Ross Hunting Wallace
Cameron Fraser (Weathered) Kerr Macgregor Macleod of Harris Scott Green Wilson (Ancient)
Cameron of Erracht Fraser Hunting Lamont Macinnes Macmillan Old Smith City of Glasgow
Campbell (Ancient) Gordon Leslie Hunting Macintosh Hunting Macpherson Stewart Black City of Edinburgh
Campbell of Argyll Gordon Dress Lindsay Macintyre Hunting (Ancient) Menzies Black/White Stuart of Bute Musselburgh
Chisholm Hunting Graham of Menteith Lochaber (Weathered) Mackay Moffat Stewart Dress Flower of Scotland
Colquhoun Grant Logan & Maclennan Mackenzie Morrison Stewart Hunting  
Crawford Gunn Macbeth  


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Anderson Campbell Ancient Gunn MacGregor Robertson Red Modern Stewart Royal Newfoundland
Black Watch Carnegie Ancient Lindsay MacKenzie Ross Hunting Thomson Camel Nova Scotia
Buchanan Ancient Douglas MacDonald Clanranald MacLeod of Harris Stewart Black Wallace Flower of Scotland
Buchanan Fraser Red Modern MacDonald Dress MacLeod of Lewis Stewart Camel Cape Breton  
Cameron of Erracht Gordon Dress MacDonald MacPherson Red Modern Stewart Muted Blue Maple Leaf  

Clan Crest Badges by Art Pewter Silver

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Anderson Armstrong Baillie Baird Barclay Blair Brodie
Bruce Buchan Buchanan Cameron Campbell of Cawdor Campbell of Breadalbane Carmichael
Chisholm Cockburn Colquhoun Craig Crawford Cumming Cunningham
Davidson Douglas Drummond Elliot Erskine Farquharson Ferguson
Fletcher Forbes Forsyth Fraser of Lovat Fraser Galbraith Gordon
Graham Grant Gunn Hamilton Hay Henderson Home
Hunter Innes Irvine Johnstone Keith Kennedy Kerr
Kincaid Lamont Leask Leslie Lindsay Livingston Logan
MacAlister MacArthur MacAulay MacBean MacDonald of the Isles MacDonald of Clanranald MacDonnell
MacDougall MacDuff MacEwen MacFarlane MacFie McGillivray MacGregor
MacInnes MacIntyre MacIver MacKay MacKenzie MacKenzie-Seaforth Highlanders MacKinnon
MacKintosh MacLachlan MacLaine MacLaren MacLean MacLeod MacLellan
MacLennan MacMillan MacNab MacNaughton MacNeil MacNicol MacPherson
MacQuarrie MacRae MacThomas Malcolm/MacCallum Matheson Maxwell Menzies
Moffat Montgomery Morrison Munro Murray of Atholl Napier Ogilvie
Pringle Ramsay Rattray Robertson Rose Ross Russell
Scott Shaw Sinclair Skene Stewart Stewart of Appin Strachan
Stuart of Bute Sutherland Urquhart Wallace  

Scots Thistle Piper Rampant Lion Ireland Shamrock  

All prices are in New Zealand dollars and exclude postage and packaging. NZ GST of 15% will be deducted for overseas customers.
A currency converter is available here.

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