
About Us

Scots Corner evolved from an established family business in early 1998 as an attempt to provide information on and access to the activities of various locally based Scottish institutions - Caledonian Societies, Pipe Bands, Country & Highland Dancing, etc. However, it soon became apparent that, for the majority of our customers, background information on Scottish ancestry and heritage was the greater incentive in bringing them to us.

After a very few months, it was obvious that there was also a high demand for clan related items - crests, wall plaques, tartan goods etc - and Scottish/Celtic jewellery and giftware generally.

Our response has been to build up to the wide variety of goods, mostly sourced from Scotland, which you can find illustrated on the pages of our web-site.

Our combined experience and involvement with Caledonian Societies (Committee Member), Pipe Bands (Piper, Pipe Major), Clan Associations (Chief's Lieutenant for New Zealand) and traditional Scottish music covers nearly 80 years.


Find Us

Scots Corner is located at 75 Fitzroy Avenue in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Our opening hours are 9.00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 1.00pm Saturdays.

All prices are in New Zealand dollars and exclude postage and packaging. NZ GST of 15% will be deducted for overseas customers.
A currency converter is available here.

© 2025 Scots Corner, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Your feedback is welcome. Email the Webmaster