These pages contain clan lists for those products which are available in a range of clan names, crests or tartans.
On this page | On page 2 |
On page 3: Ingles Buchan range (ties, scarves, sashes, tammies, county caps, rugs) and Clan Crest Badges available from Art Pewter Silver |
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Anderson | Colquhoun | Grant | Livingstone | Macintosh | Maxwell | Scotland/Flower |
Armstrong | Cooper | Gray | Logan | Macintyre | Melville | Scott |
Baird | Craig | Gunn | Macalister | Mackay | Menzies | Shaw |
Barclay | Crawford | Guthrie | Macarthur | Mackenzie | Miller | Simpson |
Black Watch | Cumming | Hamilton | Macaulay | Mackinnon | Mitchell | Sinclair |
Blair | Cunningham | Hay | Macbean | Maclachlan | Montgomery | Skene |
Boyd | Davidson | Henderson | Macbain | Maclaren | Montgomerie | Smith |
Brodie | Douglas | Home | Macbeth | Maclaine | Morrison | St Andrews (Scotland) |
Brown | Drummond | Hume | Maccallum | Maclean | Muir | Stewart Ryl |
Bruce | Dunbar | Hunter | Macdonald | Maclellan | Munro | Stewart Appin |
Buchan | Duncan | Inglis | Macdonald of Glencoe | Maclennan | Murray | Strachan |
Buchanan | Elliot | Innes | Macdonald Clan Ranald | Macleod | Napier | Stuart Bute |
Burnett | Elliott | Irvine | Macdonell | Macmillan | Nicholson | Sutherland |
Cameron | Erskine | Jardine | Macdougall | Macnab | Ogilvy | Taylor |
Campbell of Argyll | Farquharson | Johnston | Macduff | Macnaughton | Ogilvie | Thomson |
Campbell of Cawdor | Ferguson | Johnstone | Macewan | Macnicol | Paterson | Turnbull |
Carmichael | Fleming | Keith | Macfarlane | Macneil | Patterson | Turner |
Carnegie | Fletcher | Kennedy | Macfie | Macneill | Ramsay | Urquhart |
Chisholm | Forbes | Kerr | Macphee | Macpherson | Robertson | Walker |
Christie | Forsyth | Lamont | Macgillivray | Macqueen | Rose | Wallace |
Clark | Fraser | Leslie | Macgregor | Macrae | Ross | Watson |
Cochrane | Gordon | Lindsay | Macinnes | Malcolm | Russell | Wilson |
Cockburn | Graham | Livingston | Mackintosh | Matheson | Scotland/Ryl | Young |
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Adamson | Christie | Gardner | Lindsay | MacKay | Morton | Sinclair |
Aitken | Clark | Gibson | Livingstone | MacKenzie | Mowat | Simpson |
Alexander | Cochrane | Gordon | Logan | MacKinnon | Muir | Smith |
Anderson | Cockburn | Graham | Lowe | MacLachlan | Munro | St Andrews |
Andrews | Colquhoun | Grant | McDonald | MacLaren | Murray | Stalker |
Archer | Cook | Grey | McDougall | MacLean | Nicholson | Stevenson |
Armstrong | Cooper | Gunn | McFarlane | MacLennan | Nixon | Stewart |
Atkinson | Craig | Guthrie | McGregor | MacLeod | Noble | Stuart |
Baird | Crawford | Hamilton | McIntosh | MacMillan | Ogilvie | Strachan |
Barclay | Cumming | Hardy | McKay | MacNab | Oliver | Sutherland |
Baxter | Cunningham | Harper | McKenzie | MacNaughton | Paterson | Tait |
Beattie | Davidson | Hay | McLean | MacNeil | Pearson | Taylor |
Bell | Dixon | Henderson | McMillan | MacPherson | Porter | Thomson |
Black | Douglas | Hodgson | McNeil | MacQueen | Ramsay | Todd |
Black Watch | Drummond | Hunter | MacAlister | Macrae | Rattray | Turnbull |
Blair | Dunbar | Innes | MacAulay | Malcolm | Reid | Turner |
Brodie | Duncan | Irvine | MacCallum | Marshall | Robertson | Urquhart |
Brown | Dunn | Irving | MacDonald | Martin | Robinson | Walker |
Bruce | Elliott | Jackson | MacDonald of Clan Ranald |
Matheson | Rose | Wallace |
Buchanan | Erskine | Jamieson | MacDonnell | Maxwell | Ross | Walters |
Burnett | Farquarson | Jardine | MacDougall | Menzies | Russell | Watson |
Burns | Ferguson | Johnston | MacDuff | Melville | Rutherford | Weir |
Cairns | Fisher | Johnstone | MacEwen | Millar | Sanderson | White |
Cameron | Fleming | Keith | MacFarlane | Miller | Scotland | Wilkinson |
Campbell | Fletcher | Kennedy | MacGregor | Mitchell | Flower o' Scotland | Wilson |
Carmichael | Forbes | Kerr | MacInnes | Moffat | Scott | Wood |
Carr | Forsyth | King | MacIntosh | Morgan | Sharpe | Wright |
Carruthers | Foster | Lamont | MacIntyre | Morrison | Shaw | Young |
Chisholm | Fraser | Leslie |
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Anderson | Craig | Grant | Lamont | MacKenzie | Mitchell | Smith |
Armstrong | Crawford | Gunn | Lindsay | MacKinnon | Moffat | Stewart |
Blair | Cunningham | Hamilton | MacDonald | MacLachlan | Morrison | Sutherland |
Brown | Davidson | Hay | MacDonald of Clan Ranald | MacLean | Munro | Taylor |
Buchanan | Douglas | Henderson | MacDougall | MacLeod Dress Yellow | Murray | Thomson |
Cameron | Duncan | Hunter | MacEwan | MacLeod Hunting Green | Robertson | Turnbull |
Campbell | Farquharson | Irvine | MacFarlane | MacMillan | Ross | Walker |
Chisholm | Ferguson | Johnstone | MacGregor | MacNeil | Russell | Wallace |
Clark | Forbes | Keith | MacIntyre | MacPherson | Scott | Watson |
Cochrane | Fraser | Kennedy | MacIntosh | MacRae | Shaw | Wilson |
Colquhoun | Gordon | Kerr | MacKay | Malcolm | Sinclair | Young |
Cooper | Graham | |||||
And also: | ||||||
Black Watch | Scotland | Gordon Highlanders |
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Anderson | Cumming | Fraser | Kennedy | MacKay | McLeod | Murray |
Armstrong | Davidson | Gordon | MacDonald | MacKenzie | MacMillan | Robertson |
Bruce | Douglas | Graham | MacDougall | MacKinnon | MacNab | Ross |
Buchanan | Drummond | Grant | MacEwen | MacKintosh | MacNeil | Scott |
Cameron | Elliott | Gunn | MacFarlane | MacLachlan | MacPherson | Stewart |
Campbell | Farquharson | Hamilton | MacGregor | MacLaren | MacRae | Sutherland |
Chisholm | Fergusson | Hay | MacInnes | MacLean | Menzies | Wallace |
Colquhoun | Forbes | Johnstone | MacIntyre | MacLennan | Munro |
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Buchanan | Forbes | MacAlister | MacGregor | MacLachlan | MacNichol | Robertson |
Cameron | Fraser | MacArthur | MacGillivray | MacLaren | MacPherson | Rose |
Campbell | Gordon | MacAuley | MacInnes | MacLean | MacQuarrie | Ross |
Chisholm | Graham | MacBain | MacIntyre | MacLennan | MacRae | Shaw |
Cumming | Grant | MacDonald | MacIver | MacMillan | Matheson | Sinclair |
Colquhoun | Gunn | MacDougall | Mackay | Macleod | Menzies | Skene |
Davidson | Kennedy | MacDuff | Mackenzie | MacNab | Munro | Stewart |
Drummond | Lamont | MacFarlane | Mackinnon | MacNaughten | Murray | Sutherland |
Farquharson | Logan | MacFie | Mackintosh | MacNeil | Ogilvie | Urquhart |
Fergusson | Wallace |
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Black | Davidson | Gunn | Lindsay | Mackintosh | Muir | Shaw |
Brown | Douglas | Home | MacDonald | MacLachlan | Murray | Stewart |
Bruce | Farquharson | Hume | MacGill | MacLennan | Nairn | Sutherland |
Buchanan | Forbes | Innes | MacGregor | MacLeod | Naismith | Wallace |
Cameron | Fraser | Kennedy | Macintyre | MacNicol | Robertson | Younger |
Campbell | Galbraith | Lamont | Mackay | Maxwell | Ross | Yonger |
Christie | Gordon | Leslie | Mackenzie | |||
Irish | ||||||
Gallagher | Murphy | O'Hagan |
All prices are in New Zealand dollars and exclude postage and packaging. NZ GST of 15% will be deducted for overseas customers. | |
A currency converter is available here. | |
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