
Supported Clans by Product

These pages contain clan lists for those products which are available in a range of clan names, crests or tartans.

On this page On page 2
  • Fridge magnets
  • Clan crest thimbles
  • Quaichs
  • Lapel badges & teaspoons - blue/white enamelled
  • Boxed compendiums and notebooks

On page 3: Ingles Buchan range (ties, scarves, sashes, tammies, county caps, rugs) and Clan Crest Badges available from Art Pewter Silver


Scotcrest keyrings (leather)

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Anderson Colquhoun Grant Livingstone Macintosh Maxwell Scotland/Flower
Armstrong Cooper Gray Logan Macintyre Melville Scott
Baird Craig Gunn Macalister Mackay Menzies Shaw
Barclay Crawford Guthrie Macarthur Mackenzie Miller Simpson
Black Watch Cumming Hamilton Macaulay Mackinnon Mitchell Sinclair
Blair Cunningham Hay Macbean Maclachlan Montgomery Skene
Boyd Davidson Henderson Macbain Maclaren Montgomerie Smith
Brodie Douglas Home Macbeth Maclaine Morrison St Andrews (Scotland)
Brown Drummond Hume Maccallum Maclean Muir Stewart Ryl
Bruce Dunbar Hunter Macdonald Maclellan Munro Stewart Appin
Buchan Duncan Inglis Macdonald of Glencoe Maclennan Murray Strachan
Buchanan Elliot Innes Macdonald Clan Ranald Macleod Napier Stuart Bute
Burnett Elliott Irvine Macdonell Macmillan Nicholson Sutherland
Cameron Erskine Jardine Macdougall Macnab Ogilvy Taylor
Campbell of Argyll Farquharson Johnston Macduff Macnaughton Ogilvie Thomson
Campbell of Cawdor Ferguson Johnstone Macewan Macnicol Paterson Turnbull
Carmichael Fleming Keith Macfarlane Macneil Patterson Turner
Carnegie Fletcher Kennedy Macfie Macneill Ramsay Urquhart
Chisholm Forbes Kerr Macphee Macpherson Robertson Walker
Christie Forsyth Lamont Macgillivray Macqueen Rose Wallace
Clark Fraser Leslie Macgregor Macrae Ross Watson
Cochrane Gordon Lindsay Macinnes Malcolm Russell Wilson
Cockburn Graham Livingston Mackintosh Matheson Scotland/Ryl Young

Key to the Clans keyrings

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Adamson Christie Gardner Lindsay MacKay Morton Sinclair
Aitken Clark Gibson Livingstone MacKenzie Mowat Simpson
Alexander Cochrane Gordon Logan MacKinnon Muir Smith
Anderson Cockburn Graham Lowe MacLachlan Munro St Andrews
Andrews Colquhoun Grant McDonald MacLaren Murray Stalker
Archer Cook Grey McDougall MacLean Nicholson Stevenson
Armstrong Cooper Gunn McFarlane MacLennan Nixon Stewart
Atkinson Craig Guthrie McGregor MacLeod Noble Stuart
Baird Crawford Hamilton McIntosh MacMillan Ogilvie Strachan
Barclay Cumming Hardy McKay MacNab Oliver Sutherland
Baxter Cunningham Harper McKenzie MacNaughton Paterson Tait
Beattie Davidson Hay McLean MacNeil Pearson Taylor
Bell Dixon Henderson McMillan MacPherson Porter Thomson
Black Douglas Hodgson McNeil MacQueen Ramsay Todd
Black Watch Drummond Hunter MacAlister Macrae Rattray Turnbull
Blair Dunbar Innes MacAulay Malcolm Reid Turner
Brodie Duncan Irvine MacCallum Marshall Robertson Urquhart
Brown Dunn Irving MacDonald Martin Robinson Walker
Bruce Elliott Jackson MacDonald
of Clan Ranald
Matheson Rose Wallace
Buchanan Erskine Jamieson MacDonnell Maxwell Ross Walters
Burnett Farquarson Jardine MacDougall Menzies Russell Watson
Burns Ferguson Johnston MacDuff Melville Rutherford Weir
Cairns Fisher Johnstone MacEwen Millar Sanderson White
Cameron Fleming Keith MacFarlane Miller Scotland Wilkinson
Campbell Fletcher Kennedy MacGregor Mitchell Flower o' Scotland Wilson
Carmichael Forbes Kerr MacInnes Moffat Scott Wood
Carr Forsyth King MacIntosh Morgan Sharpe Wright
Carruthers Foster Lamont MacIntyre Morrison Shaw Young
Chisholm Fraser Leslie  

Key to the Clans mugs, glasses & brooches

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Anderson Craig Grant Lamont MacKenzie Mitchell Smith
Armstrong Crawford Gunn Lindsay MacKinnon Moffat Stewart
Blair Cunningham Hamilton MacDonald MacLachlan Morrison Sutherland
Brown Davidson Hay MacDonald of Clan Ranald MacLean Munro Taylor
Buchanan Douglas Henderson MacDougall MacLeod Dress Yellow Murray Thomson
Cameron Duncan Hunter MacEwan MacLeod Hunting Green Robertson Turnbull
Campbell Farquharson Irvine MacFarlane MacMillan Ross Walker
Chisholm Ferguson Johnstone MacGregor MacNeil Russell Wallace
Clark Forbes Keith MacIntyre MacPherson Scott Watson
Cochrane Fraser Kennedy MacIntosh MacRae Shaw Wilson
Colquhoun Gordon Kerr MacKay Malcolm Sinclair Young
Cooper Graham  
And also:
Black Watch Scotland Gordon Highlanders  

Clan mini books

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Anderson Cumming Fraser Kennedy MacKay McLeod Murray
Armstrong Davidson Gordon MacDonald MacKenzie MacMillan Robertson
Bruce Douglas Graham MacDougall MacKinnon MacNab Ross
Buchanan Drummond Grant MacEwen MacKintosh MacNeil Scott
Cameron Elliott Gunn MacFarlane MacLachlan MacPherson Stewart
Campbell Farquharson Hamilton MacGregor MacLaren MacRae Sutherland
Chisholm Fergusson Hay MacInnes MacLean Menzies Wallace
Colquhoun Forbes Johnstone MacIntyre MacLennan Munro  

Lang Syne bookmarks, keyrings, postcards & post-it notes

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Buchanan Forbes MacAlister MacGregor MacLachlan MacNichol Robertson
Cameron Fraser MacArthur MacGillivray MacLaren MacPherson Rose
Campbell Gordon MacAuley MacInnes MacLean MacQuarrie Ross
Chisholm Graham MacBain MacIntyre MacLennan MacRae Shaw
Cumming Grant MacDonald MacIver MacMillan Matheson Sinclair
Colquhoun Gunn MacDougall Mackay Macleod Menzies Skene
Davidson Kennedy MacDuff Mackenzie MacNab Munro Stewart
Drummond Lamont MacFarlane Mackinnon MacNaughten Murray Sutherland
Farquharson Logan MacFie Mackintosh MacNeil Ogilvie Urquhart
Fergusson           Wallace

Clan, family and Irish notepaper

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Black Davidson Gunn Lindsay Mackintosh Muir Shaw
Brown Douglas Home MacDonald MacLachlan Murray Stewart
Bruce Farquharson Hume MacGill MacLennan Nairn Sutherland
Buchanan Forbes Innes MacGregor MacLeod Naismith Wallace
Cameron Fraser Kennedy Macintyre MacNicol Robertson Younger
Campbell Galbraith Lamont Mackay Maxwell Ross Yonger
Christie Gordon Leslie Mackenzie  
Gallagher Murphy O'Hagan  

All prices are in New Zealand dollars and exclude postage and packaging. NZ GST of 15% will be deducted for overseas customers.
A currency converter is available here.

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